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A white alligator can either be albino or leucistic. The difference between the two is that albinism is the complete lack of the pigment melanin, whereas leucism is the result of lacking melanin in certain parts of the body. An albino alligator will have pink eyes, whereas one with leucism will have blue eyes.
History: To give you an idea of just how rare white alligators are, it's estimated that there are only 12 leucistic American alligators out of a population of over 5 million.
Scientific Name: Alligator mississippiensis.
Characteristics: White alligators are exceptionally rare, especially in the wild where they're susceptible to predators while they're young due to their lack of camouflage.
Size: 6" long and 3.25" wide, this white alligator toy model is a bit shorter and wider than a 16 oz. water bottle resting on its side.