Mushroom Growing Kit - Black Pearl Oyster

Article code: 106614381
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  • Details
  • Great for Cooking | Nutrient-Rich | Sweet Umami with a hint of Pepper

    This kit is designed to help you learn to grow mushrooms at home without any special gear. They are fairly easy to work with and include instructions for growing them on a bag of precooked rice at home.

    Each set includes detailed instructions, your mushroom culture, and a fungi word search. It’s a great project to do as part of your nature or biology studies, or as an independent experiment. And they’re great for cooking with/eating or just looking at if you’re the non-mushroom-eating type.

    There’s also an additional section to the instructions for using your leftover culture to grow even bigger mushrooms in larger quantities out of a bucket of straw if you’re interested in diving deeper after you grow them the first way.

    This is a pretty flexible project age-wise with the only caveat being that you’ll want adult supervision for the inoculation process for young students so that no fingers get poked:) it’s an indoor project, you’ll need a bag of pre-cooked rice, rubbing alcohol, and some paper bandage tape.